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| Italiano 
Take with you the Sound of My Life workshops.
Listen for free to the playlist on Spotify
To listen for free to the soundtracks of My Life workshops on Spotify just follow these instructions.
If you already have a Spotify account, click on the images below to access directly to the relative playlist and listen to the soundtracks of the workshop:
If you do not have a Spotify account yet, click all the same on the bottoms above: you will open a screen (see the example below) where you sign up with your Facebook account or with your email. After signing up, you will be automatically redirected to Spotify mylife-sound page, where you can listen for free to the soundtracks of the workshop.
You can download Spotify app for free on your smartphone. It allows you to listen for free to any kind of music.
On mylife-sound page you can listen to the playlist with the songs of the seminar.
Click on the button “segui” to be updated with new songs.
Enjoy the music ;-)
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